thank you!

thank you for being here with me for this first letter! :)


they couldn’t help it

Dawn and Moon

locked eyes

with each other

as they walked by

in opposite directions

on the cobblestoned sidewalk

the unSeasonably chill breeze

played with the tenderest parts of their exposed skin

the dips between their collarbones

the hollows just behind their ears

the gaps between their tightly draped tops

and the valleys cleaving their chests

the locked look

shared between strangers

conveyed desperate messages between them

in Moon’s eyes Dawn saw a plea

that she hadn’t actually felt the breeze

in Dawn’s eyes Moon saw an unhinged hope

that the breeze wasn’t actually unSeasonably ominous

in neither pairs of wide eyes

did they find comfort

they hesitated as their footsteps brought them

within arm’s distance of each other

within an embrace’s distance of each other

but after a polite Summer nod

they walked on

both praying to Warmth

to rid their skin of Ice’s invading touch

next, here’s a quick podcast episode i released this week:

ah! scared! excited! embarrassed! thrilled! and so, so thankful for you.

all my love and gratitude to all my most treasured readers,

-Sarah Narei