the scariest part

hey, it’s Sarah Narei!

thank you (again!) for being here with me! :)

the story:

immaculate unpolishedness

so this is the part

where the perfect plan

becomes the imperfect reality

this is when the immaculate idea

meets the messy execution

in my history

this is the scariest part:

witnessing the chasm

between The Intended

and what The Intended actually is

or at least how The Intended is now

last week i “launched”

this newsletter

in the softest way possible

with the softest friend

as my softest reader

who held the softest space

for me to fail successfully

i could’ve written “unSeasonably” better

i could’ve recorded “a self-aware outro” better

i could’ve at least made sure that the font throughout the letter was consistent

it was an imperfect mess that was nothing like what i ultimately Intend for this newsletter


omg but!!

this newsletter

this very wanted thing

this so so beloved project

became Real

it velveteen rabbited itself

at its origin story’s

once upon a time


this space will become more refined over time

(behold the consistent use of Palatino this week! yo ho!)

but i suspect—

and i hope—

that there will always be

a certain unpolishedness to it all

because genuinely adored things

develop worn down fur—

i may be late in sending this letter sometimes—

sprout loose threads—

i may not always be proud of the writing you read here—

reveal their inside stuffing—

i may send you stuff with typos

and i’m doing some strange things with words here

and not all of the words may resonate with all of you


here at the soft scrappy start

we find a Real Intention

filled with love

shared with love

with those i love

if you’re reading this

however distant in the future

however close to the present

know that you are appreciated

and loved

thank you for reading





of my life

the conversation:

the questions:

what is the one thing that you can’t stop thinking about doing but that you’re afraid to do imperfectly? how would you feel if you did it imperfectly—but you did it—anyway?

the affirmation:

you are human… how glorious and messy, frustrating and lovely…

wherever you are in time and space

please receive my gratitude

for your presence

here with me

-Sarah Narei